Forget being Dugg

as the title says forget being dugg by the site! its been noticed that traffic on’s front page is down, this would immediately suggest that the digg effect is no longer as bad as it once could be (taking sites offline just because it hit the front page of

i want to suggest the new alternative to being dugg… being twugg 🙂

i say this as a new website i am administrating the backend for went live a few days ago on the 1st October, in the 1st 4 days of this month, we experienced average site traffic, nothing special but still reasonable considering the old site was 10 years old before the redevelop. it was tweeted by 1 person this afternoon that happens to be followed by a fair number of the twitter community, within 5 hours we had consumed the same amount of bandwidth alone as we had consumed since launch date 5 days ago. now by all comparisons this is nowhere near the digg effect, however, what would happen if 100+ people were tweeting your website address for some reason? knowing how much the current site slowed down with that amount of traffic after one tweet means i have my work cut out to tune stuff to make sure we dont go offline if we were to experience such extreme traffic.

so lets get twigging 😀

in other news this blog is technically 2 years old today, although my first actual post wasnt until the end of the month due to other technical issues and i haven’t really regularly blogged until august this year 🙂

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