
welcome to the first draft of the new site! at this moment in time its the skeleton of hopefully what will grow into a much more polished site and resource for your systems administration needs or otherwise. As such please do watch out for falling (or should i say failing!) admins as this site undergoes the various tweaks to make it look so much better that it does now. obviously this blog is a new feature and will hopefully become more useful as time progresses, i am seeing this blog as a place to come for quick tips on securing or optimising your server to HOWTO’s for installing pieces of software/scripts and even throw in some service/hardware/software reviews in for good measure.

so please keep checking back for updates to the site and do subscribe to the blog and make comments, hopefully together we can make it a better resource for everyone.

If you are looking to write some articles for server optimisation or server securing or even a service review, feel free to get in touch by email or any other means

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2 comments on “Welcome
  1. Michelle says:

    what about recommendations/investigations into the cloud? would you happy for a girl geek to write something for your new blog? πŸ™‚

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  1. […] too which will be good. leaving this now with a link over to my new blog which currently has a nice intro of what its going to contain (to keep the geeks […]