Blog Archives

The cloud isn’t for everyone

We often have to research and spec out hosting setups for clients and almost everytime the current hosting buzz word crops up: Cloud. Most of the time clients tell me they want cloud but they don’t know why, or worse – their reasoning is flawed.

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A new lick of paint

Well as you can see, things look a little different around here! It has taken an exceptionally long time to get this out the door primarily because we prefer to focus on our clients when they need us rather than delay them longer than necessary when support issues come in.

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WordPress, HTTPS, CDN and W3 Total Cache

I’ve worked with a few sites recently that use HTTPS to secure certain parts of there site and also a couple of pages here are SSL protected due to the data captured. If you use the W3 Total Cache plugin like I do, and I really recommend that you do if you have a wordpress site,

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Alternative’s to Cpanel: Webmin

I’m going to start a mini series of posts here called Alternatives to Cpanel, first you might ask why not Cpanel and its worth pointing out that Cpanel is arguably one of the most popular and most comprehensive control panel solutions for web hosting out there, it might not be good for some people or some use cases the first of which that comes off the top of my head is using Nginx (pronounce it Engine-X) instead of Apache.

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Choosing the Right Host

Customer support, or customer failure?

A good web host has good customer and technical support departments. People often believe that if their web host offers 24/7 support, their support is good. Often, this is not the case. Why? Put it this way; would you like to be working a night shift with your eyes droopy,

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Is your WordPress site embedding tracking code without your knowledge?

I just stumbled upon a couple of important articles relating to the WordPress Stats plugin available for free to all wordpress users and gives a sort of cut down Google Analytics functionality. i found the articles because i was googling as to why all of a sudden my sites were loading a file from,

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Posted in General, Performance & Optimisation, Security
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Mobile Broadband makes you efficient

Well i am back! just about, not been here posting lately and its not without good reasons too, the obvious one is i went to Zimbabwe for 3 weeks over christmas and GOT MARRIED!!!

some others may have wondered why its taken me so long to get this up and posted but that too is not without a good reason either.

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Online Business – Be careful who you trust!

I have been sat on this one for a while, I had been thinking whether it was worth actually posting this or not, because one way or another it would become a name and shame article. As a freelancer, the long and short generally is – Time = Money. Time not spent working is possible Money not earned and when your freelancing its more critical than ever because you often are never sure when the next pay cheque is going to arrive.

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welcome to the first draft of the new site! at this moment in time its the skeleton of hopefully what will grow into a much more polished site and resource for your systems administration needs or otherwise. As such please do watch out for falling (or should i say failing!) admins as this site undergoes the various tweaks to make it look so much better that it does now.

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DotDeb updates: Repo now GPG signed!

i know its actually slightly older news but its worth sharing anyway, the DotDeb repositories are now GPG signed so you can be more assured that the mirrors are as safe and secure as the central mirror and you also dont have to worry about the this repository is not encrypted/signed error any more.

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