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WordPress, HTTPS, CDN and W3 Total Cache – Take 2

I’ve previously mentioned some of the workarounds of using the excellent W3 Total Cache plugin with a CDN and utilising HTTPS on some pages. The heart of the matter is that some CDN providers do not provide Custom HTTPS support out of the box or do but with a normally large monthly fee attached,

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Posted in HOWTO's, Performance & Optimisation, Tutorials
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Nginx and SSL – PHP Redirect Loops

Small post, I’ve been struggling a little with getting ssl to work reliably with https. specifically relating to the following piece of code:

[code]fastcgi_param   HTTPS   on;[/code]

Lets wind back, I can get HTTPS working with nginx no problem and the above provided I do the following,

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Posted in HOWTO's, Performance & Optimisation
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Is your WordPress site embedding tracking code without your knowledge?

I just stumbled upon a couple of important articles relating to the WordPress Stats plugin available for free to all wordpress users and gives a sort of cut down Google Analytics functionality. i found the articles because i was googling as to why all of a sudden my sites were loading a file from,

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Posted in General, Performance & Optimisation, Security
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