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WordPress, HTTPS, CDN and W3 Total Cache – Take 2

I’ve previously mentioned some of the workarounds of using the excellent W3 Total Cache plugin with a CDN and utilising HTTPS on some pages. The heart of the matter is that some CDN providers do not provide Custom HTTPS support out of the box or do but with a normally large monthly fee attached,

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Posted in HOWTO's, Performance & Optimisation, Tutorials
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Use WordPress and Gravity Forms to submit a ticket to Sirportly

We recently moved our support system from Zendesk to Sirportly as its a cheaper and much cleaner and simpler solution. what i’ve been trying to do for sometime now is to be able to have a form on our site for general contact queries (as well as an old fashioned email address) that would log a ticket in a seperate channel on the support system,

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HOWTO: Upgrade Debian Lenny (5.0) to Debian Squeeze (6.0) on Rackspace Cloud Servers

I recently posted on how to update Debian for servers and its intricacies, I have since been able to document the process for Rackspace and this guide also works for Virtuozzo or OpenVZ VPS’ where you don’t have direct control over the kernel from your VPS so here goes.

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HOWTO: Upgrade Debian Lenny (5.0) to Debian Squeeze (6.0) on

Here are the working upgrade instructions from Lenny to Squeeze (Debian 6) on

Disclaimer: please test this yourself first on a NON PRODUCTION SERVER. this may or may not work with other server providers but is specifically tailored to the system,

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Email alerts whenever someone logs into root via SSH

Want to be notified instantly when someone logs into your server as root? No problem. there was recently a discussion over on the forums after an incident where a user had had several of there servers logged into as root by an unknown source (since resolved) a helpful user (R4Z0R49) posted this helpful guide and I have cleaned it up and added some further notes and caveats.

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Posted in HOWTO's, Security, Tutorials
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DotDeb updates: Repo now GPG signed!

i know its actually slightly older news but its worth sharing anyway, the DotDeb repositories are now GPG signed so you can be more assured that the mirrors are as safe and secure as the central mirror and you also dont have to worry about the this repository is not encrypted/signed error any more.

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Updating PHP and MySQL on Debian

so a client particularly wanted php 5.3 for a project and mysql 5.1 but at the moment needs to operate on smallest possible footprint.

i did some research on it and actually found a useful resource for updated php and mysql resources called Dotdeb –

the idea of this repository is to keep the core lamp stack binaries up to date and keep support for the ease of updating (via apt-get)

so upon taking a look i decided to trial it on my personal vps and with my niggles i rolled it out to the work server i manage along with the client too.

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